Data Recovery - A Hard Lesson to Learn |
Saturday, June 2, 2007 |
Greetings Everyone,
Several weeks ago I was doing some backtesting in Profitsource, and the backtesting was working fine...at least up to 18 hours. Yes, that's right, I said 18 hours. One thing that is always hard for me to resist is taking a huge data sample and running a backtest or two for several criteria. Sometimes it may be Elliott Wave, other times it may be a simple moving average. Typically this isn't that big of a deal, but that 18 hour thing along with the huge data sample brought my RAM to its knees.
At first, I didn't think much of it. I closed out Profitsource and I said to myself, "I bet I have a lot of junk I need to clean out of this computer, lets do a disk cleanup" You can see where this is going! I can't say it's the Profitsource. More likely the evil culprit was my RAM deprived system along with Willie Gates wonderful software we have all grown to love.
My system did the disk cleanup and asked for a restart...No problem...I've been there a million times before. When the Windows screen was trying to load, I received a friendly message that something was missing from my XP system. Not knowing what the screen was missing I called a friend of mine. He said on the phone, "Man...looks like your gonna have to reinstall!" On the old Windows 98 system, that never use to be a problem. I routinely wiped my hard drive clean every 6 months just to keep my 20 GB hard drive from going into system overload. A few questions immediately ran through my mind, "What have I backed up?", "If I backed it up, where did I put it", and most importantly, "I gotta look at my option positions before day break, wheres that old computer?"
After taking a few minutes to size up the situation I said, "well, I can't find that old computer, but I got the WIFI Pocket PC". That was all it took to ease my mind and continue with my daily habit of reviewing my equity and option positions. Now I'm back to data preservation mode. While looking at some positions on the little 4 inch by 3 inch square of my Pocket PC I began to wonder whether my system tests and literally hundreds of charts from Profitsource where still retrievable. I started thinking back at the countless hours upon hours I had spent gathering charts, analyzing, etc. I grabbed me a cup of Starbucks and said to myself, "It will be allright, I'm gone get crackin on this tommarow.
The next day came, and I made a few calls to some computer shops and data recovery services. The prices for recovery services ran from a minimum of $300.00 to around $2500...ouch that hurts! After stewing on it for a while, I pulled out the recovery disk and fired it up. When the screen pulled up, it asked me for the admin password to proceed to a restore point. I faithfully typed it in and ...NOPE...no go. The recovery disk hauntingly asked me over and over again for the correct password, and like a robot, I faithfully kept typing it in to no avail. "How can this happen..this piece of &*)%" Either out of sheer frustration or maybe just being cheap, I tossed the restore frisbee back in and went for the reinstall. The choices it gave me were to either do a clean install with no data saved or "we won't fully wipe you out, we will try to save something, but no guarantees". I jumped at the No Guarantee option.
The reinstall went fine...that is...until I tried to find my data that Windows had attempted to save. It was GONE...all GONE. Fortunately for me, I stumbled across a handy piece of software. The software ran me about $70/$80 bucks, but when it recovered 27GB of information I was more than happy I paid the price. Not only was my WORD, EXCEL, and Family JPEG's saved, but my all important Profitsource Charts. I did have to reinstall some software, but other than that...no worries.
I'm not trying to sound like a Ad here, but I was so impressed with the software I thought I would post it here. The name of the software is RECOVERMYFILES.
One more helpful note, if your Profitsource CD is more than 6 months old, call up tech support to send you an up-to-date data CD. First, because it was free and second, because I had to download a year and a half of data...and it wasn't pretty.
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If you like the blog, visit the forum at www.Primalgreed.com Let's Network!Labels: Backup, Data Recovery, Profitsource |
posted by Fibonacci_Trader @ 6:26 PM Add to: DiggIt! | Del.icio.us | blink it | |
The Standard Deviation Channel and EBOT’s in Profitsource |
Tuesday, May 29, 2007 |
Greetings Everyone,
I recently was looking at another forum where an individual asked why EBOT’s in Profitsource appear to be missing from time to time. I have heard this question several times before and had this question myself a while back.
My biggest concerns when I hear this question over and over again are:
1. If you are trading via a system that stipulates a certain EBOT level, did you make trades outside of that system?
2. Have you contacted a HUBB trading tutor and have them explain the why and why not of the EBOT’s? I don’t know why people don’t want to call; this has to be one of the best features of Profitsource and it’s free!
3. Have you checked the Profitsource Knowledgebase to see if this question has already been answered?
4. Have you reviewed and studied the Video Training Modules from Profitsource?
5. Have you ever used the Data Window in Profitsource?
6. If someone asked you to determine a future EBOT level using the Profitsource Drawling tools….could you do it?
If you’re using the Elliott wave precomputed scans for trading opportunities and you don’t have the motivation or desire to honestly answer these questions: SHAME ON YOU! Fortunately, I see that your here, so I’ll do my best with the small brain I have to work with.
If you want a Profitsource answer to the EBOT disappearing question do both of these:
1. Go to the Profitsource Knowledgebase and perform an “any word” search for “1412”. The title of the question is “Why isn't there an EBOT in some precomputed scans?” This gives a little detail into why some EBOTS show on the precomputed and some do not.
2. Another good resource is the training modules. The specific module is 'Elliott wave in Profitsource' and the sub-module is 'EBOT's'
In a nutshell, the EBOT's are actually there, but they haven't crossed above/below the level and/or specific timeframe of trading days to generate the visual EBOT.
Has everyone used the Data Window in Profitsource? If not, you need to give it a look. If you find an Elliott Wave precomputed that doesn’t have a visual EBOT, the EBOT level may be reflected in the Data Window. If you don’t know where the Data Window is, here is a screenshot:
This second screenshot has the Data Window open. From the chart, you can see that there is no visual EBOT level being shown on the screen, but the Data Window is showing a Wave 3 and Wave 4 EBOT level. This was given by hovering over the day marked by the red arrow.
Now that you can see that the EBOT still appears, do you think I can predict the EBOT level in the future? I believe I can, and probably within 99.8% of the price, 100% of the time. “Hold on now Big Daddy”, you say, “What you’re saying is kin to evil!” It seems like that at first, but once you see it…all the magic is gone.
Here is the step-by-step that might help you understand how the EBOT is generated and where it will be in the future. Right now, I’m just going to show you a Wave 4 Precompute buy with a missing visual EBOT. The one I choose was ATW from 5-23-07.
One more thing, close your data window. It will ruin the surprise
1. Pick a wave 4 buy, the one I picked was ATW from 5-23-07. Notice that ATW does not have visual EBOT
2. Click on the Standard Deviation Channel tool under the drawling tools (don't get this confused with the one under the indicators)
3. Click on the day the wave 3 bubble shows up
4. Then click on the day the wave 4 bubble shows up
5. Right click on the Channel to open the channel properties
6. Change the Top and Bottom Deviation to 2 7. Set the 'Calculate Using' to Close 8. And check the tick mark for 'Extend to right' 9. Select OK
10. Now pick any day after the Wave 4 Bubble and draw a vertical line right over top of that day and take a look where the Top of the Standard Deviation Channel intersects with the vertical line you just put in
11. Now draw a horizontal line to match up with the intersection, and see what value pulls up on the right hand side of the horizontal line. (I zoomed in to make it line up perfect). The value shown is $51.04
12. Now open up you Data Window and hover over the day you selected for your vertical line. What do you see?
13. Here is what additional dates would look like
Other Question to Consider:
Q: What about the dates in the future? A: If the main Elliott Wave pattern hasn’t changed, the results will be the same.
Q: Can I apply this to Wave 5’s? A: Yep, but the Standard Deviation Channel settings are different.
Later Fibonacci
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If you like the blog, visit the forum at www.Primalgreed.com Let's Network!Labels: EBOT, Profitsource, Standard Deviation Channel |
posted by Fibonacci_Trader @ 4:49 AM Add to: DiggIt! | Del.icio.us | blink it | |